Translation: Composed for a service on the Wednesday of Holy Week in 2012. The chant section can be sung in a number of ways. Plan.
Translation: Two Settings in Alternatim composed by Lodovico Grossi da Viadana, Jean de Bournonville. For SATB choir a cappella. Assembly.
Translation: Thursday, this motet is appropriate for Passion Sunday, Good Friday, Holy Cross Day, and Lent. 1960-.
Translation: Organ Accompaniment sheet music. The Royal Banners Forward Go composed by Carl Maria von Weber. 1786-1826. Good Friday.
Translation: the traditional Eucharistic Latin text for this chant melody and an English text, "Savior, listen while we sing". James Biery.
Translation: Three stylistically varied settings of the appointed responsorial psalms for Holy Thursday. Organ Accompaniment sheet music.
Translation: Choir sheet music. Organ Accompaniment sheet music. O Redeemer composed by Brian Luckner. For SATB choir, congregation, organ. Three Days.
Translation: A finely woven tapestry of color and texture, Agnus Dei is a shimmering moment of poignant beauty for Holy Week.
Translation: ' The chant-like verses inspire us to set aside petty quarrels and to experience, as one family, God's limitless and pure joy.
Translation: Choral, General Use, Obligato Instrument-Cello, Holy Week, Lent and Sacred. For Choral. Shawnee Press.
Translation: Here is a stunning arrangement combining the "Dies Irae" and "Stabat Mater" chants layered with the melancholy PASSION CHORALE.
Translation: Catherine McMichael. Handbell sheet music. Handchime sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Where Love and Charity Are Found.
Translation: From the Roman Catholic Liturgy Responsorio Holy Week - O Sacrum convivium. Beginning. Easy. Beginner. Sheet Music Single.
Translation: A Cappella sheet music. 3 Tenebrae Responsories composed by Ralph Buxton. For SATB choir a cappella. Liturgical Use. Text. Latin.
Translation: Queen of Heaven - CD. Queen of Heaven - CD audio CD. Duration 1 hour 11 minutes 12 seconds. Published by Hinshaw Music Inc.. HI.HS225CD.
Translation: A Treasury of Holy Week and Easter Music for Organ composed by Gilbert M. Martin. O Lamb of God Most Holy. For organ.