Translation: Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen 's 2013 piece Amyas , scored for SATB..
Translation: Compositions for Four-part choir of equal voices, by Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen. 4PTCHOIR.
Translation: The English translation of Gudmundsen-Holmgreen's Konstateringer. STATES.
Translation: Eksempler for Mixed Choir SATB was composed by Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen in 1970. Alto, Soprano, Bass Voice, Tenor. HIGH. TEN.
Translation: Sound I for 4 Solo Voices was composed by Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen in 2011. Dedicated to Theatre of Voices.
Translation: Hr. Ribold Og De 9 Jomfruer - an old Danish folk song arranged for Mixed Choir SATB by Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen.
Translation: Sheet Music. '3 Epigrams'. came into existence following my piece for chamber orchestra 'Chronos'.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Gudmundsen-Holmgreen, Pelle. --. Music.
Translation: For Five Solo Voices and Organ.
Translation: 3 Movements for Strings and Sheep Bells by Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen. String Ensemble. STR ENS. PERC. 1968.
Translation: Work for Cello and Percussion composed in 1970.
Translation: For Mezzo-Soprano and Piano. Anonymous Poets from the Middle Age, Robert Herrick, Wiiliam Wordsworth and Samuel Beckett.