Translation: for Flute . Composed by Paul Hindemith. For Flute, Piano. 1936. 1936. 1895-1963. Schott.
Translation: Соната для флейты. For Flute, Piano. A student of Hindemith, Harald Genzmer. This flute sonata.
Translation: Paul Hindemith's musical style is heavily influenced from the music of the Reformation. Sheet Music. DB. PFA.
Translation: Paula Robison Flute Masterclass. Composed by Paul Hindemith. For Flute, Piano. 8 Pieces for Solo Flute.
Translation: Passionate Sonata Op.140. from Three Pieces for Flute. from Two Pieces for Flute Solo. from Sonate Op.31 No.1.
Translation: Glesser's Sonata uses the classic fast-slow-fast structure for its three separate movements. and trios showcasing the flute.
Translation: The third movement fugue, in particular, is a reference to the impact of studying Hindemith's music. B-Flat Clarinet sheet music.
Translation: Singing and Music III. Music for Young Players III composed by Paul Hindemith. Paul Hindemith - Complete Works Band 3.