Translation: Sing and play music for lovers and music lovers, Op.45.
Translation: Hindemith Sing- und Spielmusik für Liebhaber und Musiksfreunde op 45 No 4 Kleine Klaviermusik - Leichte Fünftonstücke.
Translation: Little Piano Music op. Piano Solo sheet music. Little Piano Music op. Leichte Funftonstucke. For piano.
Translation: Composed by Paul Hindemith. for the Left Hand Study Score. For Piano. Keyboard. Eulenburg Taschenpartituren. Pocket Scores.
Translation: Composed by Paul Hindemith. It was obtained in the same year by the Hindemith Foundation.
Translation: Piano music I composed by Paul Hindemith. Paul Hindemith - SAMTLICHE works. 204 pages. Шенберг. Published by Schoenberg.
Translation: Curtis Symphony Orchestra. Dvorak. Listening CD. Published by Ondine. NX.ODE-1141-2. ISBN 761195114124. Release date.