Translation: Commissioned by Farmington High School Friends of Music. I dare you to watch the whole video with a straight face.
Translation: Lift High The Cross, Piano Solo. Published by Don Hodell ChilcoteLift High The Cross, for advanced piano.
Translation: Recapture the excitement of the best-loved James Bond movie themes in this maxi-medley. Ned Ginsburg. Choir sheet music.
Translation: Published by The FJH Music Company Inc. Can your orchestra "tame the untamable".
Translation: Driving rhythmic patterns and a brisk tempo are at the center of this eerie musical journey on a fictitious 'phantom train.
Translation: Commissioned by Syracuse Society for New Music, Composers-in-the-Schools Program. And the moon is listening.
Translation: We double-dare you to ride this Roller Coaster. The Barnhouse Command Series includes works at grade levels 2, 2.5, and 3.
Translation: Now for the First Time Thou Hast. Now For The Frst Time Thou Hast. He,The Best Of All, The Noblest.
Translation: combat between pirates and the Royal Navy during the days of exploration and the shipping trade. Beginning.
Translation: He, The Best of All, The Noblest. I Can Not, Dare Not Believe It.. Woman's Love and Life. , Op. 42. Robert Schumann.
Translation: The opening idea is presented in conversational format via baritone and soprano before launching into the main theme.
Translation: - Amazing Grace - America The Beautiful - Ancient Of Days - And Can I Be That I Shoul Gain.
Translation: "Capture of the U-505" is a programmatic piece influenced by Wagner's use of Leitmotif.
Translation: Experience the joy of singing, playing and learning more about God with The Best of Kids Sing Praise.
Translation: The Mist is derived from a melody for solo fiddle called "Arisaig Mist" by Wilfred Gillis, a Canadian composer.
Translation: The Wise Man and the Foolish Man. Get In The Ark. No Mountain High Enough. The B-I-B-L-E.
Translation: This song's surprising conclusion never fails to bring down the house. And the moon is listening.