Translation: Hero and Leander.
Translation: With vocal melody, piano accompaniment and lyrics. Hero and Leander. Hero And Leander.
Translation: Voice sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.
Translation: The 40 songs in each volume are in the original keys, excerpted from vocal scores and piano. Hero and Leander.
Translation: The 40 songs in each volume are in the original keys, excerpted from vocal scores and piano. MYTHS AND HYMNS. Various.
Translation: The 40 songs in each volume are in the original keys, excerpted from vocal scores and piano. MYTHS AND HYMNS.
Translation: Fanny Hensel divides the poem in two Recitativos and two Arias. Fanny Cecile Mendelssohn. Voice sheet music. Advanced. 1805-1847.
Translation: Text by Franz Grillparzer and Musaios. Baritone Voice sheet music. Bass Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. Harp sheet music.