Translation: Parsons I, William William Parsons I. O Lord my God I put my trust. With heart and mouth unto the Lord.
Translation: Give me the chance, I'll find the pieces to a heart that's given up. John Michael Montgomery. Hal Leonard. Plan.
Translation: Plan. Chords. Voice, range. Bb3-Eb5.
Translation: I give my heart up in my empty hands, and as I look, it's like I see the sum of who I am.
Translation: Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart. Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know. A Charge To Keep I Have.
Translation: I Can Love You Like That. By The Time I Get To Phoenix. Cold, Cold Heart. Hard Rock Bottom Of Your Heart.
Translation: A Perfect Heart. Give Them All To Jesus. Now I Belong To Jesus. When I Can Read My Title Clear.
Translation: Follow, I Will Follow Thee. Give Me A Double Portion. Give Me Oil in My Lamp. He Is Mine And I Am His.
Translation: I Am the Very Model. My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice. Thank God I'm a Country Boy. Willard A. Palmer. Voice sheet music.
Translation: Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart. Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit. Give Me That Old Time Religion.