Translation: Connick On Piano, Vol. 1. Plan. Vocal. Chords. Voice, range. A3-D5.
Translation: When you're smiling there in your attire, fancy styling. Harry Connick, Jr. - What a Night. Plan. Chords.
Translation: You give your hand to me, then you say hello, and I can hardly speak my heart is beating so. American Popular Song. Plan.
Translation: By Harry Connick Jr.. Piano sheet music. Smart PianoSoft. Arranged by Curtis Brengle. Pianosoft Sync.
Translation: If recorded accompaniment is required, the fully-orchestrated audio tracks will lend a professional touch to your performance.
Translation: they put together an album of must-hear, must-have songs that every traditional jazz player cherishes. Piano Solo sheet music.
Translation: they put together an album of must-hear, must-have songs that every traditional jazz player cherishes. Clarinet sheet music.
Translation: they put together an album of must-hear, must-have songs that every traditional jazz player cherishes. Double Bass sheet music.
Translation: they put together an album of must-hear, must-have songs that every traditional jazz player cherishes. Trombone sheet music.
Translation: they put together an album of must-hear, must-have songs that every traditional jazz player cherishes. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music.
Translation: they put together an album of must-hear, must-have songs that every traditional jazz player cherishes. Drums sheet music.
Translation: they put together an album of must-hear, must-have songs that every traditional jazz player cherishes. Tenor Saxophone sheet music.