Translation: Little Music for 3 Flutes, Op.32.
Translation: Gluck Royal Life Martin Greif. Gluck Royal Life Martin Greif. The Reaper "In front of a verdant forest". This edition. Choral Music.
Translation: Frankische Christmas. Frankische Christmas. Little child in the stable "O Jesus, O Son of God". This edition. C 34833.
Translation: Frankische Christmas. Frankische Christmas. In the midst of the night. For SATB choir. This edition. C 34839.
Translation: Frankische Christmas. Frankische Christmas. Come, my nightingale. This edition. C 34835.
Translation: Two Standchen. Two Standchen. Standchen "We, as Musici". This edition. Choral Music.
Translation: Attracted once five wild swans. Attracted once five wild swans. Lithuania. This edition. CHBL 38. Choral Music.
Translation: Frankische folk songs. Frankische folk songs. The rider and the girl Well, the time has come. For TTBB choir. This edition. Choral Music.
Translation: Now the Lenz wants grussen us. Now the Lenz wants us Grussen composed by Hans Lang. Choir sheet music. This edition. CHBL 36.
Translation: Frankische folk songs. Frankische folk songs. Artisans farewell. For TTBB choir. This edition. Choral Music.
Translation: In Fruhtau to mountains. In Fruhtau to mountains. Sweden. For female choir or children's choir. This edition.
Translation: Goodbye. Welcome. Goodbye. For Men's Choir. TTBB. Schott Chorblattreihe. Choral Music.
Translation: Frankische Christmas. Frankische Christmas. When I wake up with my sheep. For SSAATTBB choir with solo.
Translation: Three folk song sets. Voice Solo sheet music. Three folk song sets. The Jager from the Palatinate. For TTBB choir with baritone voice solo.
Translation: Frankische folk songs. Frankische folk songs. Goodbye at the gate Now we travel out of the gate. For TTBB choir. This edition. Choral Music.
Translation: Frankische folk songs. Frankische folk songs. The Schneider on the move. For TTBB choir. This edition. Choral Music.