Translation: 212. Little Finch by trad., Arr. Tim Hallas Educational, World, choir (with or without keyboard), 1 minute, .
Translation: 1. Where He May Be Found by Dan Losak Worship, World, mixed ensemble, 3 minutes, .
Translation: 319. Hark, what comes out of pure / All the birds are already there - saxophone quartet by unknown-folk songs, arr. Rudolf Bodine ...
Translation: 340. Piano Book 074 (Hi Lucas) by Joachim Johow Concert, World, single instrument, 2 minutes,.
Translation: 97. Hi Lee Hi Low by trad. , Arr. Edward Berbaum Concert, World, solo instrument, 2 minutes, .
Translation: 11. Size of the Soul (Hall) by Jaime Romero Concert, World, Orchestra, 4 minutes,.
Translation: 184. Lemon and Mint (Hall) - Colombian Andes Trio Concert by Jaime Romero, World, mixed ensemble,.
Translation: 109. Bewitched by Luna (Colombian Hall) - by Jaime Romero Symphony Orchestra Concert, World, Orchestra, 4 minutes,.