Translation: Telemann, Georg Philipp. Taste and see kindness of our God, TWV 1:1252. voice. oboe. continuous. Baroque. Sacred cantatas. Cantata ...
Translation: 182. Fishy Pieces by The Emmans Educational, Other, solo instrument, 4 minutes.
Translation: 148. "Let us pray for those we dislike and fear" Taize style chant by David G. Barton Worship, Classical, piano \u0026 vocal, 3 mi ...
Translation: 199. Taste and See by Bob Hurd, Arr. Vince Natali Worship, Other, piano \u0026 vocal, 4 minutes, .
Translation: 91. tp by Gustavo Farias Concert, Other, mixed ensemble, 1 minute,.
Translation: 124. I'd like to be a teabag by Vincent Webb Concert, Other, mixed ensemble, 2 minutes, .
Translation: 99. Just For The Fun Of It by trad., Arr. Jim Carlile Educational, Other, wind/brass band, 15 minutes, .
Translation: We all live like, but ..... Vladimir Vysotsky.