Translation: The musical accompaniment to year of birth Guitarrefreund 1903rd H. 1.
Translation: The music Guitarrefreund Supplement ... 8.Jahrg. 1907th N. 5.
Translation: The musical accompaniment to Guitarrefreund year of birth 1905-06. No. 35.
Translation: The music Guitarrefreund Supplement ... 9.Jahrg. 1908th N. 4.
Translation: The Guitarrefreund releases ... Jahrg 1-18.
Translation: The musical accompaniment to Guitarrefreund year of birth 1905-06. H. 2.
Translation: The musical accompaniment to Guitarrefreund year of birth 1905-06. 1.
Translation: The musical accompaniment to Guitarrefreund year of birth 1905-06. 34.
Translation: The musical accompaniment to Guitarrefreund year of birth 1905-06. No. 37.
Translation: The musical accompaniment to Guitarrefreund year of birth 1905-06. No. 38.
Translation: The musical accompaniment to Guitarrefreund year of birth 1905-06. H. 1st No. 39.
Translation: The music Guitarrefreund Supplement ... 9.Jahrg. 1908th N. 2.
Translation: The music Guitarrefreund Supplement ... 9.Jahrg. 1908th N. 3.
Translation: The music Guitarrefreund Supplement ... 9.Jahrg. 1908th N. 5.
Translation: The music Guitarrefreund Supplement ... 9.Jahrg. 1908th N. 6.
Translation: The musical accompaniment to year of birth Guitarrefreund 1903rd H. 4.
Translation: The musical accompaniment to year of birth Guitarrefreund 1903rd No. 3.
Translation: Der Guitarrefreund Musikbeilage zu No 2..