Translation: Composed by Emilio Pujol Vilarrubi. A Theoretical-Practical Method. 1886-1980. Standard notation. 144 pages.
Translation: A Theoretical-Practical Method for the Guitar, Based on the Principles of Francisco Tarrega.
Translation: A Theoretical Practice Method for the Guitar. Composed by Emilio Pujol Vilarrubi. Edited by Matanya Ophee.
Translation: Reasoned School Guitar - Book 1. Reasoned School Guitar - Book 1 composed by Emilio Pujol.
Translation: Reasoned School Guitar - Book 3. Reasoned School Guitar - Book 3 composed by Emilio Pujol.
Translation: Reasoned School Guitar - Book 4. Reasoned School Guitar - Book 4 composed by Emilio Pujol.