Translation: Various.
Translation: Opening. Weiss, Sylvius Leopold.
Translation: Jo are fertio period, escape fourfold. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Scheidt, Samuel.
Translation: At Dolce ombra. First room. At Dolce ombra. Arrangements and Transcriptions. From the House, Jerome.
Translation: The work is suitable for a cappella performance, OR piano accompaniment, OR harpsichord, OR guitar OR lute. SSA.
Translation: On of the Fourpart lute songs from Robert Jones A Musical Dream or the fourth booke of Ayres 1609. SATB.
Translation: Main sheet music.
Translation: Robert, Serge. Prelude_a.
Translation: Large mixed together. Egg Shaker. Electric Piano. Gong.
Translation: Martin Grayson.