Translation: The score does not contain the deacon's petitions, only the choral replies.
Translation: "Great Litany. different formulations. Kuznetsov.
Translation: Litany great, from "The Divine Liturgy Hymns", version for mixed and male choir. Fedorov.
Translation: The Great Litany "Ossetian". W. Tandelov.
Translation: The Great Litany. W. Tandelov.
Translation: Great Litany, for male chorus. A. Kastalskiy.
Translation: Alexander the Great.
Translation: Great, Alexander. Great, Alexander. Renato Calcaterra Dates. 1614 Copyright. CPDL Annotate this sheet music Skill level.
Translation: The Great Litany. N.Kedrov father, lane. Protodeacon. Tarasy Mudrak.
Translation: The Great Litany. K.Tuev.
Translation: The Great Litany. M.Shmelkova.
Translation: The Great Litany.
Translation: The Great Litany. S.Segal.
Translation: The Great Litany. for w. x E.Subbotkinoy.