Translation: Great are the works of the Lord, GWV 1174.
Translation: Great are the works of the Lord, GWV 1171.
Translation: It is God who works in you, GWV 1163.
Translation: Men like your works are so great, GWV 1156.
Translation: Come and see the works, GWV 1152.
Translation: God is all works, GWV 1150.
Translation: Great are the works of the Lord, GWV 1139.
Translation: Great are the works of the Lord, GWV 1138.
Translation: Great and marvelous are thy works, GWV 1134.
Translation: The Lord is great in his works, GWV 1123.
Translation: Come and see the works, GWV 1113.
Translation: Lord you make your work life, GWV 1113.
Translation: Men like your works are so great, GWV 1109.
Translation: It should thank you all your work, GWV 1111.