Translation: Graupner, Christoph. All corporal punishment, if it is there, they do not conceits us joy, GWV 1162.
Translation: If you wäget my misery, GWV 1157.
Translation: When distress and anguish is greatest, GWV 1114.
Translation: If I with people and with the tongues of angels, GWV 1119.
Translation: When in the highest needs, GWV 1143.
Translation: When the ocean tides beat, GWV 1115.
Translation: Do not despair if equal, GWV 1162.
Translation: Lord if I only have you, GWV 1175.
Translation: When the Son of man cometh, GWV 1167.
Translation: Ifs is that one desires, GWV 1165.
Translation: When in the highest needs, GWV 1162.
Translation: If you are not signs and wonders, GWV 1162.
Translation: If all of a 'thing' verstünd ', GWV 1159.
Translation: My child if you get sick, GWV 1165.
Translation: If you your gift at the altar, GWV 1147.
Translation: Do not be afraid if you people, GWV 1137.
Translation: When the Comforter is come, GWV 1137.