Translation: The Tra La La and The Dotted. The Tra La La and The Dotted composed by Enrique Granados.
Translation: The tra la la. El Majo Timido. La Maja Dolorosa No. 1. La Maja Dolorosa No. 2. Tonadillas.
Translation: Collection Tonadillas. El Majo Timido. El Mirar De La Maja. The Tra La La And The Dotted.
Translation: The tra la la and the dotted. Et tra la la and the dotted. Voice sheet music. Piano sheet music.
Translation: The songs are by Manuel de Falla, Enrique Granados and Fernando Obradors, with an additional two Mexican folksong arrangements.
Translation: La maja de Goya. La maja dolorosa No. 1. Granados. La maja dolorosa No. 2. La maja dolorosa NO. 3.
Translation: The Tra La La And The Dotted. The Tra La La And The Dotted. Accompaniment CDs. Piano sheet music.
Translation: El pano moruno. GRANADOS. GRANADOS. La maja de Goya. GRANADOS. La maja dolorosa No. 1.
Translation: Courses Music Education - Volume 3. Adagio et Allegro motion and lively de la Symphonie No. 1 - BERLIOZ. Method book.
Translation: Et tra la la and the dotted. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. Soprano. Edited by Joan Frey Boytim. Vocal Collection.