Translation: Not all lyrics are what we nowadays would call politically correct, but still a few can be sung perfectly without offending anybody.
Translation: Lyrics.
Translation: 1895-1963. For Piano. Piano Solo Sheet Music. 12 pages.
Translation: Pizzicato Verlag Helvetia. Catalan.
Translation: Plan. Chords. Voice, range. A3-F5. MN0139717. Compatible.
Translation: A Letter From Camp. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice. MN0026625_U2.
Translation: A Letter From Camp. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice. MN0026625_D1.
Translation: A Letter From Camp. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice. MN0026625_D3.
Translation: A Letter From Camp. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice. MN0026625_U5.
Translation: A Letter From Camp. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, range. Db4-Eb5.
Translation: A Letter From Camp. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice. MN0026625_U7.
Translation: A Letter From Camp. Plan. Vocal. Guitar. Voice. MN0026625_U4.
Translation: "This version of Granada was one of those scores you can evaluate until you get the whole. Granada land of my dreams. Plan.