Translation: Fantasy. Al of 3 Viols.
Translation: outer voices only. Sacred , Anthem , Verse anthem. Language. English. SAATB.
Translation: Language. English. SAATB. verse sections for SAB. For Easter Day. A 'Verse Anthem' with parts for 7 soloists.
Translation: SAATB , verses for BB, AA & AB. "Psalm 30. Anthem of 5 voc. was made for Doctor Marshall'.
Translation: Sacred , Anthem , Verse anthem. English. SAATB , verse SSAATBB.
Translation: A verse anthem setting of the epistle for Easter Sunday.
Translation: Viol Consort. "This anthem was made for the King's being in Scotland. 1617.
Translation: Written at the time of the accession of King Charles I and possibly the last anthem written by Gibbons. English. SAATB.
Translation: Only the version with organ accompaniment survives. Sacred , Anthem , Verse anthem.
Translation: Viol Consort. SAATB , verse for SSAATTBB.
Translation: Viol Consort. Sacred , Anthem , Verse anthem. "A Wedding Anthem first made for My Lord of Somerset".
Translation: Viol Consort. SAATB or for ATTBarB. Assigned to Whitsunday in some sources. There are also 4 voice versions.
Translation: Viol Consort. Original text and translations. English text. God is made man in the womb of a Virgin.
Translation: Verse anthem in 5 parts for voices and instruments.
Translation: SATTB. --. For SATTB Choir and Viols or String Quintet. Transcribed and edited by Denis Stevens.