Translation: GRAHAM GARTON. Choir. A.1. A.2. Piano for Rehearsal only. S.1. S.2.
Translation: 'GERALD PRIESTLAND’S GRACE' Version for SATB a cappella.
Translation: Violet. Violin II. Cello.
Translation: High.
Translation: for Parish Choir. Samuel Sebastian Wesley. High. Soprano. Tenor. Violet. Violin I.
Translation: Henry Clay Work. String quartet. Only High. Solo Bass. Only Soprano. Solo Tenor. Violet. Violin I. Violin II.
Translation: Anonymous, Time of Henry VIII. The Hunt is up - arr. Anonymous - Time of Henry VIII. Large mixed together. Bass Viol. Countertenor.
Translation: Henry VIII - Pastime with good company - arr. Large mixed together. Clavichord. Countertenor. Tenor Viol. Treble Viol 1.
Translation: Antonio Veracini. Violet. Violin I. Violin II. Cello.
Translation: the syghes that come fro' my heart - arr. for Soprano. String quartet. Soprano. Violet. Violin I. Violin II.
Translation: for Parish Choir. High. Bass. Soprano. Tenor. Violet. Violin I.
Translation: Gerald Manning. The Dorian Service. Thomas Tallis. High. Bass. Tenor. Treble Voice. Violet.
Translation: Gerald Manning. - Arr. for Parish Choir. Christopher Tye. Choir. High. Bass. Soprano. Tenor. Violet.
Translation: 1878-1935. String quartet. Violet. Violin I. Violin II. Cello.
Translation: String quartet. Violet. Violin I. Violin II. Cello.
Translation: Gerald Manning. Deodat de Severac. Violet. Violin I. Violin II. Cello.
Translation: Gerald Manning. Choir. High. Bass. Soprano. Tenor. Violet. Violin I. Violin II.
Translation: Gerald Manning. ANON. SPIRITUAL. High. Bass. Conga Drums. Soprano. Tenor. Violet.