Translation: Pitch of the third tone, Ch.242. Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250.
Translation: Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250. Final. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Eighth pitch of the tone, Ch.246. Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250.
Translation: Pitch of the eleventh tone, Ch.249. Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250. Scores.
Translation: Intonation of the twelfth tone, Ch.250. Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250. Scores.
Translation: Seventh pitch of the tone, Ch.245. Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250. Scores.
Translation: Ninth pitch of the tone, Ch.247. Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250.
Translation: Pitch of the tenth tone, Ch.248. Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250.
Translation: Pitch of the sixth tone, Ch.244. Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250.
Translation: Pitch of the first tone, Ch.240. Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250.
Translation: Fifth pitch of the tone, Ch.243. Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250.
Translation: Pitch of the third and fourth tone, Ch.242. Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250. Scores.
Translation: Pitch of the second tone, Ch.241. Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250. Scores.
Translation: Voicing Organ, Ch.240-250.