Translation: Arranged by BJ Davis. SATB. Integrity Choral. 12 pages. Published by Integrity. HL.8750419.
Translation: arranged by Cliff Duren. For SATB choir.
Translation: Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. 11 Cool Tunes for Kidz Worship Choir. Composed by Brian Hitt. For unison.
Translation: 17 Songs in 10 Arrangements featuring Jesus Can Change Your Life, Alpha and Omega, The Blood Hasn't Ever Changes and 7 more.
Translation: Arranged by Geron Davis .
Translation: Intermediate.
Translation: arranged by Various.
Translation: And Other Favorites For Organ. Composed by Eugene Mccluskey. For organ. 2-staff.
Translation: With chapters embracing silent movies and modern erotica, mist-shrouded myth, and gothic rock, If You Like True Blood. Softcover.