Translation: The duration is 3. 00 minutes, and level of difficulty is moderate.
Translation: being lost, one by one, as the Earth gets more overcrowded and overheated. major chords, dignity, and beauty.
Translation: How beautiful the hands that served the wine and the bread and the children of earth.
Translation: It addresses the beauty all around us that we often fail to notice-those glimpses of heaven right here on earth.
Translation: For Unison Children's Choir, with Flute and Piano accompaniment. Flute, Unison Voice, Piano Accompaniment. STATES. PFA.
Translation: This offering from Mack Wilberg is a joyful yet graceful arrangement of the well-known hymn tune by Conrad Kocher.
Translation: If ordering more than 10 copies, please call us on 44. 1284 725725 to check availability.
Translation: Twila Paris - Cry for the Desert. The Best Contemporary Christian Songs Ever. - Digital Sheet Music. Plan. Guitar.