Translation: SATB.
Translation: Original 1595 publication , from the Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum. Five of the madrigals. The magnanimous Peter.
Translation: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. Language. SATTB. In alternatim, odd verses.
Translation: Language. SATB. Genre. Language.
Translation: 18th century copies exist with accompaniment for string orchestra, strings plus woodwind, or organ alone.
Translation: Published.
Translation: Victoria also set a hymn for All Saints with the same incipit , as explained on the textpage. A cappella.
Translation: A different tune associated with the text more commonly used with the tune Sine Nomine of Ralph Vaughn Williams.
Translation: Ascanio Trombley. Latin. SSATTB.
Translation: plan.
Translation: Choral SATB, keyboard. Main sheet music.
Translation: Choice of songs for all holidays of the year.
Translation: Prose for the Feast of All Saints. No.8 Organ Journal.