Translation: Small.
Translation: SAT.STB. Transcribed from the Royal Danish Library manuscript KB 1872. The notes' values and the accidentals are as in the manuscript.
Translation: Latin. ATTBB. Transcribed from the Royal Danish Library manuscript KB 1872.
Translation: Transcribed from the Royal Danish Library manuscript KB 1872. The notes' values and the accidentals are as in the manuscript.
Translation: As the manuscript was intended for the use of the Royal Danish Band, this setting can also be played on loud wind instruments. SAATB.
Translation: SSAATB. Transcribed from the Royal Danish Library manuscript KB 1872. The notes' values are as in the manuscript.
Translation: As the manuscript was intended for the use of the Royal Danish Band, this setting can also be played on loud wind instruments. ATTBB.
Translation: As the manuscript was intended for the use of the Royal Danish Band, this setting can also be played on loud wind instruments.
Translation: Latin. AAAAT. Transcribed from the Royal Danish Library manuscript KB 1872. The notes' values and the accidentals are as in the manuscript.
Translation: Language. Latin. SAAAB. Transcribed from the Royal Danish Library manuscript KB 1872.
Translation: Language. SAATTB. Transcribed from the Royal Danish Library manuscript KB 1872.
Translation: SATTB. Transcribed from the Royal Danish Library manuscript KB 1872. The notes' values and the accidentals are as in the manuscript.