Translation: Plan.
Translation: HIGH. PIANO for rehearsal only. TENOR.
Translation: treatment of Russian folk song "Flying Duck", for soprano and mixed choir a-capella. K. Belonogov.
Translation: "The repertoire for soprano". opera, folk songs, soundtracks. For Voice and Piano. Collection-reader.
Translation: Notes Systematic Teaching Vocal Repertoire for high, medium and low voices. Russian folk songs for soprano. Collection 1.
Translation: For SATB choir, soprano . Song is about a beautiful young lady whose eyes are like a bright full moon. Dale Jergenson.
Translation: Herero Folktales weaves three folksongs with what I call “a cohesive rhythmic thread. HERERO FOLKTALES. Voice Solo sheet music.
Translation: Guitar part for Seven Folksongs. Guitar sheet music. Recorder sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. treble,descant,sopranino.
Translation: Excerpt. from Do Re Mi.. - Digital Sheet Music. from Do Re Mi.. Plan. Vocal.
Translation: The 16-Bar Theatre Audition - Soprano Edition. Plan. Vocal.