Translation: A ROSE THERE BLOOMED FINNISH FOLK MELODY. ZALOTNY LUTOSLAWSKI, WITOLD. Choir sheet music. For Choral. Shawnee Press.
Translation: Published by Masters Music Publications Inc.. For piano solo. Original Works. 20th Century, Polish. Score. Composed 1945.
Translation: Grade 3. In Four Movements.
Translation: ,” and Lutoslawski's “Three Polish Folk Melodies. For Piano. Yorktown. Softcover. 84 pages.
Translation: The work uses folk melodies from the village of Machow in the region of Rzeszow, east of Cracow.
Translation: A unique compilation of Lutoslawski's piano pieces, especially suitable for the younger pianist. Folk Melodies. Plan.
Translation: In Four Movements. For concert band.