Translation: Fallin' . Piano, Vocal. Colin and Jeff Bridges Farrell. Colin Farrell. Crazy Heart. Movie.
Translation: Plan. Vocal. Chords. Well, if I can keep it on the ground when I put that hammer down.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: Plan. Tenor 1.
Translation: Plan. MN0146613. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. Bill & Taffy.
Translation: Plan. Bb3-G5. Backup Vocals. MN0081483.
Translation: Plan. A3-F. Backup Vocals. MN0081483_D1.
Translation: Plan. Eb4-C6. Backup Vocals. MN0081483_U5.
Translation: Plan. D4-B5. Backup Vocals. MN0081483_U4.
Translation: Plan. F4-D6. Backup Vocals. MN0081483_U7.
Translation: Plan. G3-E5. Backup Vocals. MN0081483_D3.
Translation: Plan. C4-A5. Backup Vocals. MN0081483_U2.
Translation: My feet were flyin' down the street just the other night when a Hong Kong special pulled up at the light. MN0139064.
Translation: Lead Sheet. Solero. There’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach. English.
Translation: from the Disney channel Original Movie High School Musical. Plan. Voice 1, range. Voice 2, range.