Translation: Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: Arrangements and Transcriptions. Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Translation: 10 Flute Sonatas. Ræhs, Martin.
Translation: Sonata in G minor. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Marcello, Benedetto.
Translation: Sonata in G minor. No.3. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Marcello, Benedetto.
Translation: Final. No.3. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Marcello, Benedetto.
Translation: Violet. Copyist. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Finger, Gottfried.
Translation: Copyist. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Finger, Gottfried.
Translation: Harpsichord. Copyist. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Finger, Gottfried.
Translation: Sonata No.12 in Cmajor. Copyist. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Finger, Gottfried.