Translation: Orchestra only. Bassoons I. I. Double Bass. Flutes I.
Translation: Large mixed together.
Translation: Plan.
Translation: The Flea Waltz.
Translation: The women with the fleas.
Translation: The flea. Because Musicalisch Kurtz. It is a Thierlein.
Translation: "Song of the Flea". Mefistofilya song in Auerbach's Cellar. For bass and piano. Mussorgsky.
Translation: "Song of the Flea" for low voice and piano. Ed. P.Lamma. Mussorgsky.
Translation: "Song of the Flea" for bass and piano, 6str. Mussorgsky.
Translation: Mephistopheles song of the flea. Beethoven. Goethe.
Translation: "Flea" from the opera ". lang. WA Mozart.