Translation: All People On Earth Do Dwell. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God. Built On The Rock. Who Is On The Lord's Side.
Translation: Wedding . Always on My Mind. And So It Goes. Be Careful, It's My Heart. Beloved, It Is Morn.
Translation: And So It Goes. You've Got What It Takes. Baby, It's You. Be Careful, It's My Heart. Blue On Blue.
Translation: They Call It. And So It Goes. You've Got What It Takes. Baby, It's You. Be Careful, It's My Heart.
Translation: I've Got the World on a String. It's Only a Paper Moon. My Heart Will Go On. And So It Goes. It's A.
Translation: Baby, It's You. You've Got What It Takes. Be Careful, It's My Heart. Beat It. It's A.