Translation: Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. Fear Not, O Sweetest One. Piano Solo sheet music. Big Note. For piano.
Translation: Love Me Tender. Arthur Murray Taught Me Dancing In A Hurry. You Mean the World to Me. Hello, It's Me.
Translation: Sorrow and fear overwhelm me. Do not grieve, my darling. Let me die. 19th-20th C. Soprano Voice sheet music.
Translation: Always Something There To Remind Me. As Long As He Needs Me. Kiss Me Much. The Bible Tells Me So.
Translation: Songs of a Wayfarer - When my darling has her wedding. Ruckert Lieder - Do not look me in the songs. Fear and Hope.
Translation: Would like to Me. I Can not Keep Me From Loving. I hope and Fear. Marry Me My Father. The Je Me Plains.
Translation: Rinaldo "Let me weep," Esther "O Jordan, heil'ger Strom. Sleep, my darling. Let me weep. La me with TrŠnen.