Translation: 3 Guitars. Darling, Toby.
Translation: Guitar solo. standard notation. Minami, Cohey.
Translation: Once Upon a Time in the West.
Translation: Farewell to the home. Choral TTBB a cappella. Robert Radecke. 1830-1911. Publisher. Mutopia. Leipzig.
Translation: The song is only twelve measures in length but musically quite satisfying. Ludwig van Beethoven. A cappella. Secular , Partsong. TTB.
Translation: clarinet-1. clarinet-2. cor en fa. cymbals. Flute. kick.
Translation: Violin, Mandolin, Flute, Guitar, Banjo.
Translation: Farewell to the forest.
Translation: Farewell to the home.
Translation: Come Bid Farewell to Sorrow composed by Gerald Wilfred Cockshott. BB.BB4094.
Translation: --.