Translation: While By My Sheep. Dear Baby, Jesus, Now Rest In Slee. From O'er The Hills O Fair Judea. Choir sheet music. Beginning.
Translation: book will be in the back country with the hikers. Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair. Bringing In The Sheaves.
Translation: Be Still, My Soul. Oh, My Darling. You, you place me in your heart. You, You Weigh On My Heart.
Translation: When The Saints Go Marching In. Down Below In Bethlehem. Oh, My Darlin' Clementine. Scarborough Fair.
Translation: Russian . She Walks My Way. Dinner at My House. Light the Way to My Love. Absent is My Sweetheart.
Translation: All Clear in Harrisburg. All My Trials. Apple Trees in Bloom. Aupres my girlfriend. Babies in the Mill.
Translation: Each song in a fake book only has a single melody actually written out in notes, which is usually the vocal or lead melody.
Translation: Here In My Heart. In A Little Gypsy Tearoom. Goodnight My Love, Pleasant Dreams. There Goes My Heart.
Translation: Hold My Hand. Lady in Red. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. My Funny Valentine. My Girl.
Translation: Bluegrass In The Backwoods. Cattle In The Cane. Fourteen Days In Georgia. The Girl That Broke My Heart.
Translation: Thomson's musical style was based in Americana, but he was attracted to abstract poetry. Let's Take a Walk.
Translation: One, Two, Buckle My Shoe. Skip to My Lou. The Farmer in the Dell. There Was An Old Woman Tossed Up In A Basket.
Translation: Who Threw the Overalls in Mistress Murphy's Chowder. Be Thou My Vision. Batchelor's Walk. Charlie Is My Darling.
Translation: over 500 classical themes in their original keys. lyrics in their original language. Symphony No. 94 In G Major.
Translation: E-Z Играть Сегодня. In A Little Gypsy Tearoom. Goodnight My Love, Pleasant Dreams. Oh, Oh I'm Falling In Love Again.
Translation: Trade. Here my love. His hideous love provokes my rage. Must I my Acis still bemoan.