Translation: You Always Hurt the One You Love. For You, For Me For Evermore. Various. C Instrument sheet music.
Translation: Give Me One Reason. I'd Do Anything For Love. All For Love. Love The One You're With. Give Me One Reason.
Translation: Hooray For Love. It's A Good Day. It's A Most Unusual Day. One For My Baby. Violets For Your Furs.
Translation: I Only Have Eyes for You. One. Day by Day. A Song for You. What Am I Here For.
Translation: Since the 1970s, The Real Book has been the most popular book for gigging jazz musicians. Theme For Jobim.
Translation: Night and Day. Day by Day. A Song for You. What Am I Here For. That's What Friends Are For.
Translation: This is great for quickly learning songs by yourself or with an ensemble. A Day In The Life Of A Fool. A Foggy Day.
Translation: This is great for quickly learning songs by yourself or with an ensemble. A Wonderful Day Like Today. Day-O.
Translation: This is great for quickly learning songs by yourself or with an ensemble. A Day In The Life Of A Fool. For All We Know.
Translation: Love for Sale. Song for My Father. Waltz for Debby. What a Diff'rence a Day Made.
Translation: This fake book is a cornerstone for many musicians' libraries. A Cottage For Sale. A Day In The Life Of A Fool.
Translation: Here's That Rainy Day. Like the One I've Got. Cocktails For Two. A Cottage For Sale. Day-O.
Translation: This is great for quickly learning songs by yourself or with an ensemble. But Not For Me. Cocktails For Two.
Translation: My friends that cheerful day. One of, all'azzuro space. My Fatherland, it is for thee. Fresh for the fight.