Translation: Beside the smoky fires of their wigwams, Indian squaws sing bright-eyed papooses to sleep just as other mothers do. Keyboard.
Translation: For Piano. Piano Collection. Supplemental Plan.
Translation: Puccini's enticing music perfectly conveys the enchantment of new young love and the anguish that comes with loss and death. Amadeus.
Translation: Christmas.
Translation: 1921-1992. For saxophone Bb and piano. Tango. Grade 4.
Translation: composed by Deborah Ziolkoski. Fun with Composers.
Translation: The Earth males were evidently very attractive to the native women, who on their part used all their womanly wiles to entice them.
Translation: Electronic Keyboard Of A to Z. El Teclado Electronico De La A a La Z composed by Robert Moore. Instructional.