Translation: So made that all the parts together, or either of them severally may be song to the Lute, Orpherian or Viol de gambo.
Translation: SATB lute more. S, 3 plus lute rape. John Dowland. Language. SATB. May be performed by.
Translation: No. VI from The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires.
Translation: May be performed by solo S or T plus lute and. SATB lute more. S, 3 plus lute rape. SATB. preferably.
Translation: SATB lute more. S, 3 plus lute rape. Language. SATB. Various performance options exist.
Translation: English. May be performed SATB plus lute, solo voice. plus lute and bass viol, or S solo, 3 viols and lute.
Translation: No. XIII from The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires. SATB. 1603.
Translation: SATB lute more. plus lute and. S, 3 plus lute rape. Language. May be performed.
Translation: Robert Jones. Secular , Madrigal. Language. List of works.
Translation: Solo song. with lute and bass viol accompaniment. Language. SATB. with SATB chorus.