Translation: Arranged by Mary Elizabeth Clark. Piano Duet. 1 Piano, 4 Hands. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. 1756-1791. Duet or Duo.
Translation: Serenade for Strings, 2nd Movement - Waltz. Serenade for Strings. Throughout the Year. Volume Two, Book 2.
Translation: Arranged by Mary Elizabeth Clark. Piano Quartet. 2 Pianos, 8 Hands. Two copies are included for performance.
Translation: A Garret of Old Playthings composed by Elizabeth Alexander. Soprano Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music. Intermediate. Medium.
Translation: Cello Or Bassoon.
Translation: Mozart Serenade and Dance. Mozart Serenade and Dance. 22 Full Band Arrangements Correlated to Accent on Achievement.
Translation: Elizabethan Serenade. Elizabethan Serenade. The Music of Ronald Binge composed by Ronald Binge. Plan.
Translation: Glory for Yale. Serenade. Sing a Song for Yale. A Song for Old Yale. We're Saving Ourselves for Yale.
Translation: For you are my thoughts. - Saint Elizabeth. German Folk Songs Book VII - Nightingale, what am for greeting.