Translation: Mixed together.
Translation: Continuous. Latin. Only SS.
Translation: Easter-Tide, from David’s Psalmen, Amsterdam, Holland.
Translation: Regina Caeli from Musiche Sacre. ATB, basso continuo.
Translation: TTB. Transcribed from the “Fantasie Recercari Contrapunti a tre voci” - Gardano 1559. The coloured semibreves. minor color.
Translation: Transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr89. The time signatures, notes' values and accidentals are as in the manuscript.
Translation: Hubertus Chandler. Easter Hymn.
Translation: Latin. Is the Antiphon of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the Easter time. Very nice, short and joyful song.
Translation: Another 6-part setting was published in Sacrae cantiones 1585.
Translation: Transcribed from the “Fantasie Recercari Contrapunti a tre voci” - Gardano 1559. The coloured semibreves. minor color.
Translation: "A A voice Contralto". Transcribed from "The Third Book of Divine Lodi Musical". The original bar division of the Partitura is preserved.
Translation: Regina Coeli Laetare. Marian Antiphon from Easter to Pentecost.