Translation: Champlet, LAURENT. Champlet, LAURENT.
Translation: Plan. Small. Baritone Saxophone. Trumpet.
Translation: musical Dracula, "Clavier. F. Vildhorn.
Translation: Large mixed together. Plan.
Translation: Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. For piano, voice and guitar. Film. Halloween.
Translation: Instrumental Solo. Plan. MN0097153. Compatible.
Translation: Concert and Contest Music. Score. Published by Matrix Publishing. JN.MCB067S.
Translation: Fun Victorian melodrama based on Bram Stoker’s book and subtitled ‘The Vampire Vanquished’. may be used in contrast with the chorus.
Translation: Based on the story of Count Dracula, with many biblical quotations and programmatic musical depictions of the story. Easy.
Translation: Clarinet in A.
Translation: Dracula's House and Court Music. Dracula's House and Court Music. A Transylvanian Symphony. Composed by Kurt Schwertsik.
Translation: Percussion sheet music. Piano sheet music. for Soprano and Thirteen Instruments. Composed by David Del Tredici.
Translation: Concert . Grade 2. Easy. Score and parts. Published by Matrix Publishing. JN.MCB067.