Translation: The Band Played On. Down by the Old Mill Stream. When It's Springtime In The Rockies.
Translation: America The Beautiful. Bile' Dem Cabbage Down. Blow Away The Morning Dew. Bringing In The Sheaves.
Translation: Bile' Dem Cabbage Down. Blow Away The Morning Dew. Bringing In The Sheaves. Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes.
Translation: Memories Of You. All Of Me. Roll Out The Barrel. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea.
Translation: My Country 'tis Of Thee. America The Beautiful. Blow the Man Down. Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes.
Translation: book will be in the back country with the hikers. On The Banks Of The Wabash, Far Away.
Translation: Dark Eyes. The Cuckoo. When The Saints Go Marching In. The Wayfaring Stranger. Row The Boat Ashore.
Translation: Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring. Joy To The World. Take Me To The River. Hold The Line.
Translation: In Deep With Jimi Hendrix brings you closer to the music and the artist than you've ever imagined. Drivin' South.
Translation: A special quartet section presents the opportunity for intermediate-level players to experience ensemble playing. The Hope.
Translation: Blame It on the Bossa Nova. A Day in the Life of a Fool. You'll look in the Heart. Green Eyes.
Translation: In 1973 the Markhaven Committe produced a music book to go along with the word. The Band Played On.
Translation: Most people know the tunes to hundreds of songs, but know the words to only a few. Acres of Clams.
Translation: Each song in a fake book only has a single melody actually written out in notes, which is usually the vocal or lead melody.
Translation: The ultimate collection of over 1,000 folksongs perfect for performers, school teachers, and hobbyists. The Ash Grove.
Translation: The Girl from Ipanema. Heart of Glass. A Matter of Trust. The Rain in Spain. Under the Sea.