Translation: Praise Hymn Soundtracks do not use the original artist's tracks. CD only - no sheet music. High Voice sheet music.
Translation: As Long As He Needs Me. Baby, It's You. Be Careful, It's My Heart. Be My Life's Companion. Bernie's Tune.
Translation: Darn It, Baby, That's Love. Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend. Everybody's Got A Home But Me.
Translation: Aladdin's Theme. Alexander's Ragtime Band. Annie's Song. As Long As He Needs Me. Baby, It's You.
Translation: It's Only a Paper Moon. Let's Fall in Love. Alexander's Ragtime Band. There's. Annie's Song.
Translation: Be Careful, It's My Heart. Be My Life's Companion. It's A. Bernie's Tune. Dance With A Dolly.
Translation: Being Alive. Darn It, Baby, That's Love. Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend. Everybody's Got A Home But Me.