Translation: This is another volume of lively and entertaining original duets, encouraging the development of good Violin technique.
Translation: It is targeted to help build, strengthen and develop the muscles and techniques needed for viola playing. Sheet Music.
Translation: Aerobics for Fiddlers is a proven method for developing quality sound and great facility.
Translation: More sensitive Scales. Presentation of scales and arpeggios include excellent fingerings and an emphasis on bowing and rhythmic variations.
Translation: A charming, romantic Mazurka which should help develop several techniques such as double-stopping and trills. PFA. --.
Translation: Aerobics . I was rewarded with a definite improvement in my technique.
Translation: An accompanying CD demonstrates the tunes in this book played on Fiddle and Guitar.
Translation: The tunes are played three times each for nearly 150 minutes of recording. Old-Time Fiddle Style.
Translation: The second movement is much faster and opens with a downward flurry for both instruments.
Translation: Roland Vamos.