Translation: Provencal song. Schumann, Robert.
Translation: For Piano only. Provencal song. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: The singer's curse, KWV 1140.
Translation: Robert Schumann. Novato Music Press. Solero. Voice. Plan. Op. 139, No. 13.
Translation: Robert Schumann. Novato Music Press. Solero. Voice. Plan. Op. 139, No. 5.
Translation: Robert Schumann. Novato Music Press. Voice. Plan. Op. 139, No. 12.
Translation: Voice Solo sheet music. choral score. Composed by Robert Schumann. For vocal solo. , mixed choir, orchestra.
Translation: Plan. Op. 139.
Translation: , Act I, Part 2 - Als du im kuhnem Sange. Des Todes achte. , Act I, Part 2 - Als du im kuhnem Sange. Version 2.0.