Translation: Novella Piano. to the tune of A.Derbenko. A. Jurin.
Translation: Two pieces for bayan or accordion trio. A. Derbenko.
Translation: Variations on the theme song MV Shainsky "Grasshopper" for ensemble accordions. E. Derbenko. accordions.
Translation: "Moscow cabby," a duet for accordions or accordion. A. Derbenko.
Translation: "The invitation to the feast" for violin, recorder and accordion, the score. E. Derbenko.
Translation: "Romance" for 4 Violins and Piano, piano, violins score and parts. E. Derbenko.
Translation: "Polka" for violin and piano, piano and violin. E. Derbenko.
Translation: "Romance" for four squeaks Violin and Piano score and parts tools. E. Derbenko.
Translation: "Impromptu" for 2 violins and piano, piano and violins. E. Derbenko.
Translation: Listening CD. Published by Timpani. NX.1C1169. ISBN 3377891311698. Release date. 31.