Translation: The Little Shepherd. Flute sheet music. Organ sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. The Little Shepherd. 1862-1918.
Translation: The Little Shepherd composed by Claude Debussy. Flute Solo sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music. 1862-1918.
Translation: Le Petit Berger - The Little Shepherd. Violin Solo sheet music. For violin. plan.
Translation: Petite Nagre. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate. Piano Solos by Master Composers of the Period. For Piano. Masterworks.
Translation: Organ Solo sheet music. 1862-1918. Arranged by Leon Roques. For Organ. Sheet Music. Published by Lauren Publications.
Translation: Romantic Classics for Flute . Romantic Classics for Flute . for flute. Instrumental Solo Part and 2 CDs. Published by Music Minus One.
Translation: For concert band. Classical music. Full set. Published by Editions Robert Martin.