Translation: Arranged by Mr. Juilliard. 21st Century,Movies,TV,Pop. Performance. Published by Mr. Juilliard. Great For a Movie Scene.
Translation: Metallica - The Complete Lyrics - Second Edition by Metallica. Published by Cherry Lane Music. HL.2501234.
Translation: Easy Guitar sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Ride The Lightning - Easy Guitar by Metallica.
Translation: Percussion sheet music. Learn To Play Drums With Metallica - Drum Instruction by Metallica. For Drums. Percussion.
Translation: Drums sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Further Adventures for the Intermediate Drummer. By Metallica. For Drums.
Translation: Percussion sheet music. Intermediate. By Metallica.
Translation: Bass Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate. Ride The Lightning - Bass by Metallica. For Bass. Bass Guitar Series.
Translation: Guitar Tablature sheet music. Riff By Riff - Guitar by Metallica. Guitar Educational. Metal and Hard Rock.
Translation: Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate. Ride The Lightning by Metallica. For Guitar. Play It Like It Is. Metal and Hard Rock.
Translation: The vengeful Paris and his father, King Priam, decide to lure Achilles into the city by using Princess Polyxena as a honey trap. KS2.
Translation: of trapped. Caught in distress and death. Death and decay. If we physically disintegrate in death - D Minor.