Translation: Farewell, dear one.
Translation: Kisses sweet and dear, Part One - Complete Score. Madrigals, Book 1. Arrangements and Transcriptions.
Translation: Guitar Tab..
Translation: With my Blonde. Piano, Vocal. PVG. RHM. --.
Translation: Mein Mädel hat einen Rosenmubd. Sheet Music by Johannes Brahms. Frank La Forge , Will Earheart. Johannes Brahms. Will Earheart. Inc.. Plan.
Translation: Amarilli, my dear one, doubt not my loving heart, you most adored, you alone my beloved. James P. Dunn , Guarini. Plan.
Translation: With my Blonde. Plan.
Translation: Albert Gumble , Halsey N. Mohr. Novato Music Press. Piano Solo.
Translation: Dear one, I do nicely without you Keep repeating it as the days go by and someday maybe you'll believe the lie. English. Plan.
Translation: With my Blonde.
Translation: Five Folk Songs In Guadeloupe. Dear mother, do you remember when you hugged me.
Translation: Voice, range. D3-A4. C Instrument.
Translation: Dear future husband, here's a few things you'll need to know if you wanna be my one and only all my life. Piano Accompaniment.
Translation: Mine was the best, dear, because it was of you. Seymour Rice , Albert Brown , C. N. Daniels. Mel Bay Pub.. English. 0-87166-769-X..