Translation: Transcripts.
Translation: Bells G. Album of a traveler, S.156. Poems and Prints.
Translation: Love Poem. Violin solo. Berlin. Ad. Mt. Schlesinger, n. Public Domain Annotate this sheet music Skill level.
Translation: 4 recent settings of poems by Emily Dickinson , William Blake , Alice Stuart and A.B. "Banjo" Paterson. Plan.
Translation: From the composer's "Il primo libro de madrigali". Secular , Madrigal. Language. Italian. SSATTB. see below.
Translation: Italian. SATTB.
Translation: Beautiful virgin. Italian. SATTB.
Translation: Language. SATTB.
Translation: Language. Italian.
Translation: Language. Italian. SATTB.
Translation: Fete de Montmarte. Piano sheet music. composed by Darius Milhaud. 1892-1974. For Piano Four-Hands.
Translation: 2 Melodies Of Poems of Ladeveze N01. S or T. 2 Melodies Of Poems of Ladeveze N01. S or T. Fees Chant. et Piano.
Translation: S or T. S or T. Roses Chant D'Automne. et Pno. Georges Migot. Soprano Voice sheet music. Tenor Voice sheet music.